Assalamu'alaikum. Wr. Wb.
Salam Sejahtera semua...
Puji syukur kehadirat Alloh SWT, bahwasanya
Sekolah Sepak Bola (Football Club) telah disyahkan dihadapan Notaris
Citra Isma Uspitasari, S.H, M.Kn. Nomor 1, tepatnya pada tanggal 14
Januari 2013.
Mabor FC berkedudukan di / Sekretariat :
Jalan Bbk. Tarogong Tanjung 2 No. 43/197 B
Kelurahan Suka Asih
Kecamatan Bojongloa Kaler Bandung 40233
Phone : 022-6000895, HP : 081809859254, 081809165153, 0818644469
Jalan Bbk. Tarogong Tanjung 2 No. 43/197 B
Kelurahan Suka Asih
Kecamatan Bojongloa Kaler Bandung 40233
Phone : 022-6000895, HP : 081809859254, 081809165153, 0818644469
Assalamu'alaikum. Wr. Wb.
best wishes all ...
Praise the presence of Allah SWT, that
Mabor School Soccer (Football Club) has been ratified before Notary image Isma Uspitasari, SH, M.Kn. No. 1, precisely on January 14, 2013.Mabor FC based in / Secretariat:
Jl. Bbk Tarogong Tanjung No. 2. 43/197 B
Like the Sukaasih
Kec. Kaler Bojongloa Bandung 40233
Mabor FC dilahirkan di Bandung pada tahun 1978.
Pendiri Mabor FC merupakan orang-orang yang berpengalaman dan mencintai
olah raga khususnya olah raga sepak bola. Mabor FC sendiri merupakan
salah satu perkumpulan sepak bola yang ada di Bandung di bawah pembinaan
Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI).
raga sepak bola merupakan olah raga yang sudah populer sejak dahulu,
bahkan di Indonesia sendiri. Dari mulai pedesaan hingga kota-kota besar
lainnya. Semua menyukai olah raga sepak bola. Sebagai salah satu olah
raga yang terpopuler, sepak bola merupakan sarana yang sangat penting
untuk dapat menunjang pembangunan bangsa dibidang fisik, mental maupun
spiritual dalam rangka terciptanya masyarakat yang adil dan makmur
tentunya berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.
meningkatkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia, Mabor FC mempunyai peranan
yang sangat penting dalam mendidik manusia Indonesia yang menuju sehat
jasmani dan rohani, menumbuhkan rasa solidaritas dan sportivitas,
kerjasama dan gotong-royong serta meningkatkan produktivitas dalam hal
prestasi dibidang sepak bola di kota Bandung khususnya dan masyarakat
Indonesia umumnya.
itu, Mabor FC berupaya untuk mengabdikan diri kepada bangsa dan negara
dengan mengembangkan insan sepak bola secara teratur, terus menerus dan
berkesinambungan serta berusaha menyelenggarakan kegiatan-kegiatan
persepakbolaan nasional yang bersih dengan selalu memperhatikan seluruh
ketentuan dan peraturan yang telah ditatapkan oleh Persatuan Sepak Bola
Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) sebagai induk olah raga sepak bola di tanah
dapat terlaksananya kegiatan persepakbolaan di Mabor FC, maka sebagai
landasan dalam penyelenggaraan suatu perkumpulan perlu diatur dalam
tugas-tugas yang dituangkan dalam suatu Anggaran Dasar.
itu akan sangat mendukung agar perkumpulan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan
apa yang telah ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah
Mabor FC was born in Bandung in 1978.
The Founders Mabor FC are experienced people who love sport and sports especially football. Mabor FC itself is one of association football that is under development at the Bandung Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI).
Sport football is a sport that has been popular since the first, even in Indonesia itself. From the countryside to begin other major cities. All sports like football. As one of the most popular sports, soccer is a very important tool to be able to support the development of the nation in the field of physical, mental and spiritual, in order to create a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the course of 1945.In improving human resources in Indonesia, Mabor FC has a very important role in educating people of Indonesia to the physical and spiritual health, foster a sense of solidarity and sportsmanship, cooperation and mutual assistance and increase productivity in terms of achievements in the field of football in the city in particular and Indonesian society in general.
In addition, FC Mabor strive to devote themselves to developing nations and countries with human regular football, continuous and sustainable as well as trying to organize the activities of the national football always clean with regard to all the rules and regulations that have been ditatapkan by the Football Association Indonesia (PSSI) as the main sport of football in the country.
To be the implementation of football activity in Mabor FC, then as a cornerstone in the organization of an association needs to be set in the tasks set forth in the Articles of Association.
It would be very supportive of that association can be run in accordance with what is stipulated in the Articles of Association and Bylaws.
Mabor FC was born in Bandung in 1978.
The Founders Mabor FC are experienced people who love sport and sports especially football. Mabor FC itself is one of association football that is under development at the Bandung Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI).
Sport football is a sport that has been popular since the first, even in Indonesia itself. From the countryside to begin other major cities. All sports like football. As one of the most popular sports, soccer is a very important tool to be able to support the development of the nation in the field of physical, mental and spiritual, in order to create a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the course of 1945.In improving human resources in Indonesia, Mabor FC has a very important role in educating people of Indonesia to the physical and spiritual health, foster a sense of solidarity and sportsmanship, cooperation and mutual assistance and increase productivity in terms of achievements in the field of football in the city in particular and Indonesian society in general.
In addition, FC Mabor strive to devote themselves to developing nations and countries with human regular football, continuous and sustainable as well as trying to organize the activities of the national football always clean with regard to all the rules and regulations that have been ditatapkan by the Football Association Indonesia (PSSI) as the main sport of football in the country.
To be the implementation of football activity in Mabor FC, then as a cornerstone in the organization of an association needs to be set in the tasks set forth in the Articles of Association.
It would be very supportive of that association can be run in accordance with what is stipulated in the Articles of Association and Bylaws.
Adapun maksud & tujuan perkumpulan ini adalah sebagai berikut :
- Turut memajukan olah raga sepak bola nasional khususnya untuk wilayah kota Bandung dan seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia pada umumnya dengan mencetak pemain-pemain dengan kualitas individual yang baik dan profesional sehingga dapat menciptakan kebanggaan daerah dan lebih luas lagi terciptanya kemajuan persepakbolaan nasional pada umumnya.
- Membina anggota untuk menjadi pemain sepak bola yang berkualitas dan profesional.
- Menciptakan pembinaan sepak bola dengan sistem kombinasi antara pendekatan kurikulum pendidikan yang ketat dengan pendekatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
mencapai maksud dan tujuan tersebut diatas, perkumpulan ini akan
melakukan berbagai usaha (ikhtiar) yang tidak bertentangan dengan hukum
(peraturan) yang berlaku dan diizinkan oleh instansi-instansi Pemerintah
dan/atau pejabat-pejabat yang berwenang, yaitu antara lain :
- Membina dan membimbing calon dan para pemain sepak bola dalam semua tingkat usia.
- Ikut serta dalam berbagai kompetisi, pertandingan persahabatan dan turnamen baik antar perkumpulan sepakbola dibawah naungan Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) maupun di perkumpulan lainnya diluar wilayah Republik Indonesia.
- Mengikut sertakan anggota perkumpulan dalam berbagai pendidikan dan pelatihan sebagai tenaga pelatih, wasit dan pertandingan.
- Mengadakan penelitian dan pengembangan sebagai usaha untuk memajukan perkumpulan.
- Mendirikan sekolah sepak bola untuk membina bibit-bibit pemain sepak bola yang berkualitas.
- Membuat sarana dan prasarana olah raga sepak bola.
The intent and purpose of this association is as follows :
- Helped promote national sport especially football to the city of Bandung and the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia in general, scoring players with good quality and professional individual that can create local pride and the creation of a wider national football progress in general.
- Fostering member to be a football player and professional quality.
- Creating a soccer coaching system with a combination of a rigorous approach to the education curriculum with science and technology approach.
To achieve the objectives mentioned above, this association will make efforts (effort) is not against the law (regulations) are applicable and permitted by government agencies and / or officials authorized, among other things:- Nurture and guide the candidate and the football players in all age levels.
- Participate in various competitions, friendly matches and tournaments, both among the bevy of soccer under the auspices of the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) as well as in other societies outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Involving members of society in a variety of education and training as trainers, referees and match.
- Conduct research and development in an effort to advance the association.
- Setting up football schools to nurture the seeds of a quality football player.
- Creating infrastructure sport of football.
Susunan Pengurus MABOR FC :
FC MABOR Management Board:
Ketua Umum :
Chairman :
Wakil Ketua I :
Vice Chairman I :
Wakil Ketua II :
Vice Chairman II :Sekretaris :
Secretary :
Bendahara :
Chamberlain :
S D M :
Human Resources :Pelatih I :
Coach I :
3 komentar:
sejarah yg mantap....
setuju, penampilan yg bagus...
setuju, penampilan yg bagus...
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